Recreation A League Rules

All coaches must have a copy of these rules at all A-League games. In general A-League follows the regular High School rules. The following additional rules and regulations will also govern play in the A-League for the regular season and playoffs. This list is NOT intended to cover all playing rules but rather highlight those areas that are referenced most often and/or is an exception to the regular High School rules.

These rules are in addition to MYAS rec league rules.

I. Coach/Player/Spectator Code of Conduct

Roseville Area Youth Baseball participants will be held responsible for their actions during league play. All players and coaches must sign, and understand this code of conduct prior to the start of the season.

  • I will respect and adhere to all the rules governing eligibility and competition.
  • I will use good sportsmanship and demonstrate support for everyone on the field and in the stands at every game.
  • I will do my best to remember that youth sports are supposed to be FUN and that winning and losing are part of everyone's experience.
  • I will express my concerns through the proper channels in a dignified manner.
  • I will not interrupt a game to discuss a call or rule.
  • I will respect the volunteers who are assisting with these events.

All participants in RAYB will be held responsible for their actions during games.

  • If I argue an umpire's call, I can be ejected by the umpire from the game without warning.
  • If I use profanity, I can be ejected by the umpire from the game without warning.
  • If I make physical contact with an opposing player in order to hurt or jar the ball loose, when it is ruled intentional by an umpire, I can be ejected by the umpire from the game without warning.
  • If I "trash talk", argue, vent negative comments, or make unsportsmanlike gestures to my opponent, spectators in the stands or anyone around the field, the umpire will give a bench warning and a 2nd bench warning will result in a forfeit of the game.
  • If I get ejected from a game and continue to break the rules above, I will be suspended until the community director reinstates me/or the whole team. And / or removed from any playoff and/or end of year tournament.
  • If I display rage by damaging property or throwing equipment during or after a game, I will 1st be given a bench warning and a 2nd bench warning will result in a forfeit of the game. 
  • If I use illegal drugs, tobacco or alcohol at any practices, league games and playoff tournaments. I can be suspended by the coach or director for the remainder of the season, or until I’m reinstated by the League.

II. Eligibility

1. Players in 6th and 7th grade as of April 1.

III. Umpires

1. Umpires will be provided for all A-League and playoff games.

2. If the umpire is absent, the teams should agree upon a replacement umpire, and start the game as soon as possible. Notify A-League Commissioner of the absence.

IV. Required Playing Time

1. All players in all in-house leagues MUST be scheduled by their coach to play at least three (3) innings in the field if the game goes the full scheduled innings. If less than the full scheduled innings are played, all players must be given equal participation time in the field as is reasonable.

2. All players will be placed in the batting order and must bat in the assigned order.

3. If a player is injured or sick and is unable to continue playing there is no penalty and their place in the batting order is simply skipped.

Exception: The coach must give advanced warning to the player, the player’s parents, the opposing coach and the umpire if any player is intentionally not allowed to play and a reason must be stated and be acceptable to all.

Penalty for excluding players:

  • First occurrence: warning
  • Second occurrence: one (1) game suspension
  • Subsequent occurrences: one (1) game suspension and possible removal of the head coach.

V. Injured Player

1. No player with a cast on their arm or leg will be permitted to play in a game.

2. Prior to the start of a game, any player who cannot either bat or field due to injury will not be allowed to play in any portion of that game.

3. A player injured or reinjured during a game may leave the game with no penalty to the team.

4. Any player (except a player removed by the umpire) on the bench may be used to replace an injured player.

5. No player shall return to the game with any visible blood on their person.

6. An injured player may be reinstated into the game at any time with the approval of the umpire.

7. If the injured player returns to the game, the replacement must return to the bench.

8. If an injured player must miss a turn in the batting order, there is NO penalty.

9. If the injured player is able to bat the next time their turn arises, the player is allowed to take their turn with NO penalty.

VI. Late Player Arrival

If a player arrives late and enters the game, the player must be inserted into the batting order at the bottom of the batting order regardless of how many batting order rotations have occurred.

VII. Minimum Players

1. A team must have seven (7) players to start a game, or the game is forfeit.

2. If a team falls below seven (7) players for any reason the game is then forfeited.

VIII. Uniforms

1. All players must be in matching uniforms which consist of a hat, jersey, and baseball pants. Shorts and altered uniform shirts, pants, and hats are not allowed.

2. No open toe shoes/sandals are allowed.

Penalty for player(s) out of uniform: Player(s) out of uniform are not allowed to play.

IX. Time limits

1. Full game consists of 7 innings. Time limit for all leagues is two (2) hours.

2. Time limit starts at the scheduled time even if the first pitch occurs later.

3. An inning in progress when two hour time limit is reached will be completed unless stoppage occurs due to weather or darkness.

4. Umpire/coaches meeting will start five (5) minutes before the scheduled game start time. ALSO the home team will take the field at this time for the home teams’ 1st inning warm-up.

5. A new inning starts as soon as the batting team makes the third (3rd) out.

6. There is a two (2) minute time limit between innings. After two (2) minutes no practice pitches are allowed.

Suggested time saving items:

  • If the next innings catcher is on base with 2 outs, the batting team may use a courtesy runner. It must be the player who made the last out.
  • Use a coach to warm up the pitcher instead of waiting for the catcher to get equipment on.
  • BE PREPARED. Have field assignments posted. Be sure your players know what position they are playing and who is on the bench.

X. Runs Scored Per Inning Rules/Limits

1. Six (6) runs per ½ inning limit.

2. The batting team bats until three (3) outs are made or the run limit per (½) inning is reached.

3. When the 6th run in a ½ inning scores the ½ inning is over regardless of how many outs are made.

Exception: in the last inning the run limit is not enforced. The LAST INNING is the 7TH inning or the last inning as specified by the umpire due to the two (2) hour time limit.

4. If time allows a game to go into extra innings the run limit is not enforced.

XI. Scorebook

1. The home team must keep the official scorebook.

XII. Base Length/Pitching Rubber 

1. Base length=75’, Pitching Rubber=52’.

2. Home team is responsible for setting up the field to appropriate dimensions.

3. Home team is responsible for field maintenance after the game has ended. This includes putting bases and portable mounds in the equipment locker, raking/dragging fields, and locking equipment locker. (EXCEPTION: Edgerton 10 bases should be left out, and dragging is not required. Field gates must be locked).

XIII. Game Balls

1. Both teams must supply two (2) new game balls to the umpire before the start of the game.

2. Must use official game balls: Diamond Dol-A.

XIV. Bats

1. Big Barrel Bats (larger than 2-1/4” in diameter):

  • Is made with NEW USSSA mark, or
  • Is made with USA Baseball mark, or
  • Is a qualified BBCOR bat, or
  • Is wooden
  • Bat weight to length differential is -10 or heavier

2. Small Barrel Bats (2-1/4” in diameter):

  • Is made with NEW USSSA mark, or
  • Is made with OLD USSSA mark, or
  • Is made with USA Baseball mark, or
  • Is wooden
  • Bat weight to length differential is unlimited

Penalty for using illegal bat:

  • First occurrence: Batter is ejected from the game and recorded as an out for that at bat and the out is recorded as a dead ball out. Upon the next time the ejected players’ slot comes up in the lineup, the slot will be skipped with no out recorded.
  • Second occurrence: Head coach will be ejected from the game.

XV. No Contact Rule

1. Contact must be avoided at all times unless it occurs during a legal slide.

2. Runners are never required to slide.

3. Head first slide into any base is not allowed. Players may dive head first back to a base.

4. The player initiating contact can be immediately ejected from the game at the umpires’ discretion.

5. High School Rules apply.

XVI. Equipment

1. All males MUST wear protective cups. All females must wear pelvic protectors.

2. Protective head gear with ear guards must be worn by all players while batting, running bases, and coaching.

3. All catchers must use all proper catchers gear including a catcher’s mitt. The face mask/helmet must cover the full-face and head including the ears. Ex. Goalie Style mask/helmet. 

4. If a player is warming up a pitcher the player must wear a catcher’s mask.

5. Only the first baseman may use a first baseman’s glove. A fielder’s glove is also acceptable for use at first base.

6. Rubber spikes only, no metal spikes.

Penalty for improper or lack of proper equipment: Player(s) is not allowed to play.

XVII. Batting

1. All players must bat in a set rotating order.

2. No warm-up bat swinging is allowed outside the fenced field area. This is a safety issue.

3. No hitting the ball into any fence is permitted.

4. No temporary netting is allowed.

XVIII. Pitching

1. Pitchers are limited to nine (9) outs per game.

2. Only the starting pitcher can re-enter and only if the starting pitcher has pitched less than the allotted outs. Starting pitcher may re-enter game one time.

XIX. Fielding

1. Hidden ball tricks are not allowed.

2. Infield Fly: When an infield fly is called by the umpire, the batter is automatically out and the base runners advance at their own risk. Tagging up on a ball hitting the ground is NOT necessary.

XX. Score Reporting/Standing/Playoff Seeding

1. It is the responsibility of the WINNING coach to email the A-league commissioner and provide the games’ score within 24 hours of game completion. The exception is if team managers wish to enter scores into the ALeague web page. In this case, the winning team manager must enter the game score within 24 hours of game completion.

2. Standings are updated as soon as a score is entered and posted to the league website.

3. Scores not reported will not count in the end of the year standing nor for tournament seeding.

4. Playoff seeding is set immediately after the last regular season game.

XXI. Standings Point System/Tournament seeding

1. Win/loss percentage

2. End-of-the-year standing tie breakers:

  • Head-to-head competition.
  • Coin-flip.

3. After team pairings, the higher seeded team is the home team for playoffs.

XXII. Game Scheduling Changes and Cancelations

1. The league commissioner may make the call to cancel all games if weather/playing conditions merit such a decision. Commissioner cancellations will occur as early as possible on game day. In general, the decision to cancel a game because of rain, field conditions or severe weather is a mutual decision between the two coaches. 

2. If weather makes play doubtful, coaches must first contact each other then contact the umpire-in-chief for the association where the game is played by cell phone before 5:15 PM.

3. If no contact is made to the umpire-in-chief by the coaches by 5:15 PM, the game is on, regardless of conditions. Both teams must show up at the field. The game can be postponed at the site because of rain, wet ground, or severe weather by mutual agreement of both coaches and the umpire.

4. If no prior postponement has been agreed upon, failure to arrive at the designated field on time will result in forfeiture of the game.

5. If postponement is made, notify the Umpire-in-Chief (UIC) of the proper association as soon as possible.

a. All Oakdale teams notify:

Dan Kvitrud at 763-954-0866 or

b. All Little Canada teams, notify:

Don Bowman at 651-208-3909 or

c. All Roseville teams, notify: 

Becky Lien at 612-839-5183 or (MONDAY LANGTON WEST GAMES ONLY)

Craig Dickison at 651-295-6241 or (ALL OTHER ROSEVILLE GAMES/FIELDS)

d. Coaches not willing to make up the postponed game, in the opinion of the commissioner, within a reasonable amount of time, will forfeit that game. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Only forfeitures approved by the league commissioner can be entered into the standings as a 1 – 0 win. All make-up games must be played before the season-ending tournament cutoff date to count towards the seeding and before the season-ending tournament to count for the season standings.

To reschedule a game:

1. Contact home field commissioner to determine field availability. Secure a field and date that both coaches agree upon.

2. Contact Umpire-in-Chief for the association that the game is played in after ALL the details have been worked out.

XXIII. Rainout Games/Official Game

1. Regular Season – if a game is stopped due to unplayable weather with less than 4 ½ innings played, the game is restarted from the beginning.

2. Playoffs – if a game is stopped due to unplayable weather with less than 4 ½ innings played, the game is continued from the point it was stopped.

3. Regular Season and Playoffs – if a game is stopped with more than 4 ½ innings played, the game is an official game.

Last updated December 2024

A League Commissioner

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